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Projects Overview

Create, manage and track projects on Holaspirit

Millie Poisson
Updated over a week ago

👉 Projects & Actions are included with the Start plan (limited to 500) + Rise, Scale and Enterprise plans (unlimited). Find out more!

On Holaspirit, you can build a project for almost anything your team is trying to achieve by breaking work down into actions, and organizing the projects into a Kanban.

The Projects app

The Projects app offers project management features for:

  • Project planning and scheduling (due dates, Kanban and assignations)
  • Team collaboration (comments, activity log and file sharing)
  • Reporting (transparency and meetings)

Managing your projects on Holaspirit can help you achieve:

  • Better visibility by enabling everyone to instantly see who is working on what and how work is moving through the flow.
  • Improved efficiency by eliminating bottlenecks and overload.
  • Increased productivity by shifting the focus from starting work to finishing work.
  • Effective collaboration by driving transparency and continuous improvement.
  • Coordinate and monitor tasks and projects achievements to meet expectations.
  • Centralize information and items related to projects.

Every team uses Holaspirit for project management a little differently, but this article will give you a glimpse of what you can do once you have a few projects on the board!

The different Kanban views

Kanban is all about visualizing your work, limiting work in progress, and maximizing efficiency. In its simplest form, it follows the “to do - doing - done” workflow.

On Holaspirit your Project board is the place to keep track of information about your circle’s and individual projects.

You’ll start with 4 columns (Future, Waiting, Current and Done) in your Kanban that represent the project status from start to finish. Drag and drop projects in your workflow!

Each circle has its own Kanban board to organize projects and tasks. If this structure does not fit your circle's processes, you can customize your circle's project board: add, rename and rearrange the columns!

My Projects

The default view of the Projects app is called My projects.
You get a view of all projects assigned to you across all your circles without having to jump from one circle board to another.

Your projects are sorted by Circle but you can choose to group them by Role or OKR.

My Circles

Everyone has access to the project board of other circles.

In the menu at the top of the page, select the name of the circle you wish to see the projects or simply type the name of the circle you want to have a look at.

Tip: If you wish to receive project updates of a circle, you can subscribe to the circle's notifications, in your preferences.

Sorting your board

You can switch between different views to see projects grouped by Members, Roles and OKRs.

Work with Project cards

Cards are used to represent projects -  a specific outcome that requires multiple and/or sequential actions to complete.

To create a new project card, click on Add a project  at the bottom of any column and give it a name.

Everyone who is part of the circle can add, track and complete projects for their circle. Drag and drop cards across lists to show progress. There’s no limit to the number of cards you can add to a circle board!

What's on a project card?

  • Title: Keep card titles short to make it easier to understand the expected outcome
  • Status: The name of the column the project is in
  • Description: Specify the purpose of the project, its specificities, and (if necessary) its constraints and objectives
  • Circle: Assign the team to the project
  • Members/Roles: Assign people and/or roles to projects to easily see who does what
  • Due date: Add deadlines and sort your projects by priority to prioritize next actions (Read more)
  • Labels: Add labels to help categorize your board (Read more)
  • OKRs: Link OKRs to show what the project contributes to
  • To do list: Breakdown project into subtasks to make sure nothing falls behind and link your tasks to your Actions app (Read more)
  • Attachments: Add from your computer a link and many cloud storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive (Read more)
  • Comments and Activity: Comments can be added to cards when communicating and collaborating with circle members, like giving feedback or updates. Mention a role in your circle! The activity feed gives a timeline of all of the comments and actions taken on a project

This information allows every project to be as detailed and organized as you wish!

Best practice tip: Synchronize your Project's to do list with your Actions app by clicking on the magic wand next to the task. The action will automatically be created for the members assigned to the project.

Permission and access

All circle members can add new projects, track progress and complete information on their project board so everyone is on the same page and can positively collaborate.

All organization members have access to any circle project board by default. They can check the projects’ statuses but cannot add or edit the projects’ information.

If a circle is working with confidential information, Circle admins can decide to make the circle's project board private to make it accessible only to circle members.

👉 How to set my circle private?


To provide updates and move work forward, circle members can meet during the circle meeting to review projects.

Many teams like to host a weekly Tactical meeting and a monthly strategic meeting (mostly if you apply Holacracy). Others might prefer to check-in on a daily basis or every other week.

Platform admins can set up customizable meeting templates to tailor the meeting structure to your team's needs.

Integrating with other apps

Holaspirit can connect your circle to a variety of apps to help you build bridges with the tools you use everyday.

👉 Link your Slack to Holaspirit to get updates about projects directly in your Slack channel. (Read more)

👉 Allow teams to manage project somewhere else with Asana, Basecamp, Jira and Trello integrations. These integrations within Holaspirit allows you to create new projects in Holaspirit, send them directly to your app and quickly jump to your tool by creating a link in your Projects app. (Read more)

Note: The synchronisation works in one-way. If you create a project from the application, it won't show on Holaspirit.

See also

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