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Who are Circle Admins?

Elodie Ohanian
Updated over a week ago

Circle Admins are members of a circle who hold additional rights within the circle.

What can circle admins do?

Circle Admins can:

  • Manage the circle's settings including the role in charge of assignation, elected and main roles, decision mode (free or consent mode) and publication types which consent apply for.
  • Define the privacy settings for operations (metrics, checklists, projects, actions, OKRs, and meeting reports) as well as documents (attachments and publications).
  • Activate the integration of other project management and communication tools (Trello, Slack, Jira...).

👉 More about personalizing your circle's settings

Who are circle admins?

By default, Circle Admins are:

  • The member who creates the circle
  • Members assigned to the role defined as Lead in the organization settings

The conditions to become a circle admin are to be a member of the circle and be an active user. There is no limit to the number of Circle Admins in a circle.

As a Circle Admin, you can appoint other members directly from the Members tab of the circle page. Simply click on the three dots next to their name and select Upgrade to circle admin.

You can easily spot circle admins in the Members tab of the circle page: their avatar is circled in red.

📌 Note: Circle Admins can also manage the members' status within the circle by making them decision maker (core members) or not. Read more.

See also

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