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Ready-to-use roles and accountabilities

Millie Poisson
Updated over a week ago

Role templates are one of the easiest ways to save time when designing a new organization on Holaspirit. Quickly add personalized templates to your organization’s chart and speed up your design.

Roles in Holacracy 4.1

Lead Link 4.1

Purpose: The Lead Link holds the Purpose of the overall Circle.

Domains: Role assignments within the Circle.


  • Structuring the Governance of the Circle to enact its Purpose and Accountabilities.
  • Assigning Partners to the Circle’s Roles, monitoring the fit, offering feedback to enhance fit, and re-assigning Roles to other Partners when useful for enhancing fit.
  • Allocating the Circle’s resources across its various Projects and/or Roles.
  • Establishing priorities and Strategies for the Circle.
  • Defining metrics for the Circle.
  • Removing constraints within the Circle to the Super-Circle enacting its Purpose.

The Lead Link also holds all un-delegated Circle-level Domains and Accountabilities.

Rep Link 4.1

Purpose: Within the Super-Circle, the Rep Link holds the Purpose of the SubCircle. within the Sub-Circle, the Rep Link’s Purpose is: Tensions relevant to process

in the Super-Circle channeled out and resolved.


  • Removing constraints within the broader Organization that limit the Sub-Circle.
  • Seeking to understand Tensions conveyed by Sub-Circle Circle Members, and discerning those appropriate to process in the Super-Circle.
  • Providing visibility to the Super-Circle into the health of the Sub-Circle, including reporting on any metrics or checklist items assigned to the whole Sub-Circle.

Facilitator 4.1

Purpose: Circle governance and operational practices aligned with the



  • Facilitating the Circle’s constitutionally-required meetings.
  • Auditing the meetings and records of Sub-Circles as needed, and declaring a Process Breakdown upon discovering a pattern of behaviour that conflicts with the rules of the Constitution.

Secretary 4.1

Purpose: Steward and stabilize the Circle’s formal records and record-keeping


Domains: All constitutionally-required records of the Circle.


  • Scheduling the Circle’s required meetings, and notifying all Core Circle Members of scheduled times and locations.
  • Capturing and publishing the outputs of the Circle’s required meetings, and maintaining a compiled view of the Circle’s current Governance, checklist items, and metrics.
  • Interpreting Governance and the Constitution upon request.

👉 Holacracy Constitution 4.1

Roles in Holacracy 5.0

Circle Lead 5.0

Purpose: The Circle Lead holds the Purpose of the overall Circle.

Domains: Role assignments for the Circle's Roles.


  • Assigning any Role within the Circle to anyone willing to fill it, including to multiple people at the same time.
  • Covering Unfilled Roles.
  • Defining Priorities & Strategies to resolve priority conflicts across Roles.

Circle Rep 5.0

Purpose: Tension relevant to process in a broader Circle channeled out and resolved.


  • Seeking to understand Tensions conveyed by Role-fillers within the Circle.
  • Discerning Tensions appropriate to process within a broader Circle that holds the Circle.
  • Processing Tensions within a broader Circle to remove constraints on the Circle.

Facilitator 5.0

Purpose: Circle governance and operational practices aligned with the



  • Facilitating the Governance Process and Tactical Meetings of the Circle or for its Roles.
  • Coaching other Circle Members on the Constitution's rules and processes, either on request or when needed for effective meetings.
  • Auditing the meetings and records of Sub-Circles on request, and declaring a Process Breakdown if one is discovered.

Secretary 5.0

Purpose: Steward the Circle’s governance records and stabilize its record-keeping


Domains: All governance records of the Circle.


  • Scheduling Governance Meetings and Tactical Meetings of the Circle.
  • Capturing and publishing the outputs of Governance Meetings and Tactical Meetings.
  • Requesting elections for elected Roles after each term expires.
  • Interpreting Governance and the Constitution upon request.

👉 Holacracy Constitution Beta 5.0

Roles in Sociocracy


Purpose: Provide guidance and prioritization from the Circle's broader Circle.


  • Oversees operations of the Circle.
  • Attends meetings of both broader-circle and their own.
  • Communicate the interests and decisions of the Circle’s broader Circle.
  • Acts proactively in support of the Circle’s effectiveness.

Representative or Delegate

Purpose: Participate in the governance decision making of another team to enable the flow of information and influence.


  • Attends meetings of both broader-circle and their own.
  • Stand for the interests of one team in another team.
  • Participate in the governance decision making of the team they link with, and can: raise items for the agenda ; participate in forming proposals ; raise objections to proposals and existing agreements.


Purpose: Distribute the power to influence, to enable people to decide and act for themselves within defined constraints.


  • Clearly defines domains of autonomy and responsibility.
  • Ensures there are opportunities for learning and development.
  • Provides support if required.
  • Conducts regular reviews to support effectiveness of work and any decision making done in an open domain.

Logbook keeper

Purpose: Keep up to date records of all information the team requires.


  • Records details of agreements, domain descriptions, selections, evaluation dates, minutes of meetings etc.
  • Organizes relevant information and improves the system when valuable
  • Keeps records up to date.
  • Ensures accessibility to everyone in the team (and in the wider organization as agreed).
  • Attends to all technical aspects of logbook keeping.


Purpose: Facilitate a meeting to help the group maintain focus, keep the meeting on track and draw out the participant’s creativity and wisdom.


  • Prepares an agenda of topics.
  • Holds the space, keep the time and navigate the agenda during the meeting.
  • Facilitates a suitable activity for each topic.
  • Facilitates an evaluation at the end of the meeting.


Purpose: Coordinate a domain’s operations.

Accountabilities: Collaborate to synchronize work across multiple domains.



  • Makes sure minutes are taken, approved and stored.
  • Keeps track of all documents of the circle.
  • Supports agenda planning, room & IT preparations, etc.
  • Supports the facilitator during meetings (timekeeping, help formulate proposals, suggest ways to resolve objections).

👉 Source


Product Owner

Purpose: Maximizing the value of the product resulting from the work of the Scrum Team and maintaining an effective Product Backlog.


  • Develops and explicitly communicates the Product Goal.
  • Creates and clearly communicates Product Backlog items.
  • Orders Product Backlog items.
  • Ensures that the Product Backlog is transparent, visible and understood.

Scrum Master

Purpose: Helping everyone understand Scrum theory and practice, both within the Scrum Team and the organization.


  • Coaches the team members in self-management and cross-functionality.
  • Helps the Scrum Team focus on creating high-value Increments that meet the Definition of Done.
  • Causes the removal of impediments to the Scrum Team’s progress.
  • Ensures that all Scrum events take place and are positive, productive, and kept within the timebox.
  • Helps @Product Owner find techniques for effective Product Goal definition and Product Backlog management.
  • Helps @Product Owner understand the need for clear and concise Product Backlog items.
  • Helps @Product Owner establish empirical product planning for a complex environment.
  • Facilitates stakeholder collaboration as requested or needed.
  • Leads, trains and coachs the organization in its Scrum adoption.
  • Plans and advises Scrum implementations within the organization.
  • Helps employees and stakeholders understand and enact an empirical approach for complex work.
  • Removes barriers between stakeholders and Scrum Teams.

👉 Source

OKR (Objectives and Key Results)

OKR Champion

Purpose: Maintain and oversee the OKR framework ensuring its successful integration within the business’s regular cycle of planning and review.


  • Perform as a Coach (explain how OKRs work, the schedule of the meetings and the cadence).
  • Set an example (the Champion should serve as an example to follow, for others to see what a perfect OKR process and implementation looks like).
  • Be the process watchdog (ensures the smooth running of the process and the schedule).
  • On-boarding of new employees .

👉 Source

See also

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