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Role Templates Overview

Learn how to create and use role templates on Holaspirit

Elodie Ohanian
Updated over a week ago

Role templates are one of the easiest ways to save time when designing a new organization on Holaspirit. Quickly add personalized templates to your organization’s chart and speed up your design.

There might be some roles that will be used in multiple teams or that will take over important accountabilities in their circles. Instead of creating these roles manually every time, you can create role templates to save time.

You can access all your role templates in the Administration settings. By default, role templates for Holacracy 5.0 roles are already created, feel free to use them, edit them or create your own templates!

Note: Role templates are managed by platform administrators but available for all users to use within the organization.

Create a Role template

To create a new role template, go to Administration:

  • Go to the Role templates section
  • Click on Add a template
  • Fill in the Name, Purpose, Domains and Accountabilities of the role
  • Click on Create template to confirm

Edit or delete a Role template

To edit an existing role template:

  • Click on the 3 dots next to the template
  • Select Edit template
  • Edit the desired fields and click on Save, then Validate

Note: Any changes made to the role templates are automatically applied to the roles created from it.

To delete a role template:

  • Click on the 3 dots next to the template
  • Select Delete template, then Delete

Note: You cannot delete role templates that are defined as Core roles in the Circle settings section in Administration. If you want to delete them, you must first remove them from Core roles.

Create a Role from a Role Template

Save time when creating a role by importing a role template.

⚠️ The role and the template it was created from are synchronized:

  • If the template is modified, so will the role.
  • If the role is edited, they will no longer be synced. You will be notified of this when editing the role.

You can do it:

1. From the Governance app, in the Roles section:

  • Click on the Add button then Add a role
  • Select Import a role template
  • Select the Parent circle for the role to be part of
  • Select the Role template

2. From the Circle page you want your role to be part of:

  • Click on Add, then Add a role
  • Select Import a role template
  • Select the Role template

From there, the process is the same no matter where you add a new role from:

  • You can explain the reason why you are creating a role
  • If your organization or circle is set in open decision mode, click on Validate and the role will be created in real time.
  • If your organization is set in consent decision mode, you need for the other members of your circle to consent to your proposal of adding a new role to the circle. You have created your proposal, now you can:
  • Submit your proposal to your circle.
  • Save your proposal in the Proposals app to review it and submit it when you are ready.
  • Add your proposal to an existing one, already saved in the Proposals app.

More information on how to create, submit and track proposals in this article.

Apply a Role template to an existing role

Holaspirit allows you to apply role templates to existing roles in order to save time when redesigning and structuring your organization.


  • Be a member of the circle the role is part of.
  • The role template you want to apply to the role must already be created.

⚠️ Important: When applying a role template to an existing role, its Name, Purpose, Domains and Accountabilities will be permanently replaced by the ones of the template.

  • Go to the role page
  • Click on the three dots in the top right
  • Select Apply to role template
  • Select the role template in the drop-down list
  • If your organization is set up in Open decision mode, click on Validate at the bottom of the page to apply the evolution
  • If your organization is set up in Consent decision mode, click Submit to send your proposal to your teammates for them to vote on or Save as a proposal in your Proposals app to review and submit later (Read more)

The role and its template are synchronized:

👉 If the template is modified, so will the role.

👉 If the role is edited, they will no longer be synced. You will be notified of this when editing the role.

Set a Role template as a Core Role

If you want a role template to be created automatically when creating circles for your organization, you can make it a core role:

  • Go to Administration
  • Go to Circle Settings
  • In the Core roles section, select the role template of your choice in the drop-down menu
  • Click on Save at the bottom of the page to confirm

Note: If you add a Core role, it will automatically be added to all the circles that will be created as well as the existing circles in your organization. If you remove a Core role from these settings, the role added to existing circles will be removed and, therefore, what constitutes it.

Export the list of members assigned to Role templates

You can export the list of members assigned to role templates.

Go to Administration, then:

  • Go to the Role templates section
  • Click on the three dots next to the template of your choice
  • Select Export members

This will allow you to download the list of all members assigned to all the roles synchronized with this role template in your organization.

See also

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