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How to set up consent decision-making for my organization?

Elodie Ohanian
Updated over a week ago

Self-organizing organizations allow their members to tackle problems on their own initiative, which makes opting for consent-based approaches to decision-making absolutely coherent.

For a change in governance to be validated and applied to the organization, the consent decision mode requires that no core member of the circle opposes an objection to it within the predefined time limit.

A proposal is validated by the team after each member has had the opportunity to ask questions, give feedback, and raise one or more objections.

This decision mode differs from the consensus system, which requires total unanimity before acting. To obtain the consent of the circle, no one must say no, whereas to obtain consensus everyone must say yes.

How to configure the consent mode for my organization ?

👤 Only Admins can access this setting.

To configure the consent-based decision mode settings:

  • Click on your profile icon and go to Administration
  • Click on Decision settings in the left navigation menu
  • Select Evolutions must be submitted to circle members
  • Edit the number of days after which a proposal is validated if no one has objected
  • Choose to request a comment on the objection of a proposal (optional)
  • Click on Save to confirm changed

These settings also allow you to choose the types of publications to which consent decision-making will apply. Check out this article for more.

📌 Note: A circle may decide to work with another decision-making process and independently customize its settings at its own level. Some circles may work with a consent-based decision-making process (with different deadlines) while others use an open validation process.

👉 More about how to personalize your circle's settings

See also

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