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How do I create, edit and delete an OKR

Millie Poisson
Updated over a week ago

How do I create, modify, or delete an OKR?

An OKR (Objectives and Key Results) is a popular management strategy that defines objectives and tracks results. It creates alignment and commitment around measurable objectives

OKRs apply a very simple principle for measuring results:

I will ______ measured by ________.

By measuring only what matters, and adhering to simple principles, great results can be achieved.

Holaspirit provides a clear view of goals, the key results you are tracking, and the work being done to achieve the goals. OKR features help your team align, stay aligned, and instantly link work to value creation.

The OKR consists of an objective, which defines the goal, and key results, which measure progress toward the goal.

Adding an OKR

All members of a circle can add, modify or delete OKRs for their circle on Holaspirit.

All members of a circle can be assigned to an OKR.

In the OKRs app, click on the Add OKR button:

On the right side of the card:

  • Add a Title to the objective (which should be qualitative and ambitious)
  • Choose the circle in charge of achieving the OKR
  • Choose a frequency for the OKR (Annual, Quarterly...) according to the OKR cycle in place in your organization
  • Add a Description to the OKR to clarify the strategy and communicate important information
  • Add Key Results (quantitative and measurable) by simply clicking on Add Key Result. Edit by clicking directly on the line.

A Key Result always starts with a beginning value and ends with a final, expected value. You can customize the scale of the key results.

Tips ⭐:

  • Add no more than 3 or 4 Key Results per goal for best effectiveness.
  • Indicate your level of confidence in achieving the Key Result with the available color coding. Use this color code to prioritize your actions in the cycle.

To edit, reorganize or delete key results, simply click on the item.

In the menu on the right of the OKR card, you will find all the available options:

  • Assign a role in the circle in charge of the project
  • Assign only circle members
  • Attach a project to the OKR (to show that the project contributes to the goal). You create more alignment in the organization and show everyone where they contribute.
  • Align with another OKR: to build your OKR hierarchy, it is necessary to align them with each other. (see also: Viewing the OKR hierarchy)
  • Attach a file from Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive, a link or your computer

Other actions are available, such as Copy the OKR URL to share with members of your organization, Archive or Delete the OKR when the cycle ends.

You can sort your key results manually, by hovering your mouse over the key result you want to move and clicking on the 3 dots icon on the left.

Editing an OKR

You can edit an OKR by clicking on the one you want to change. Simply open the card to edit it.

All members of a circle can edit an OKR.

Platform members have access to OKRs and can view them but do not have the rights to edit them.

Archiving or deleting an OKR

A deleted OKR is permanently deleted from the platform with all the information it contains. Deletion of an OKR is permanent and deleted OKRs cannot be restored.

An archived OKR is an OKR that has been completed, for example, or whose cycle has ended. It remains visible in the Archived OKR view.

To archive or delete an OKR, click on the 3 dots to the right of the OKR or click directly on the OKR to open the map.

Filtering and searching for OKRs


By default, cards are sorted by frequency in the OKRs app.

In the circle page, you can group OKRs by Role, Status or Frequency for more readability on "who does what".


Use the search options. Simply type in the search box at the top of the page to search for maps by keywords or state.

Start a conversation with teams

Mentioning roles

On the OKR map, in the "Comments" section, engage in conversation with other members involved in the OKR in question. Mention roles by typing "+@" followed by the name of the role in question.

You can add a comment to share information.

Share the link of an OKR card  

To get the link of an OKR, click on the 3 dots to the right of it or click directly on the OKR, choose Copy URL.  You can send this link to your collaborators to share important information.

See also

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