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Visualize the OKR Hierarchy

How to view aligned Objectives

Millie Poisson
Updated over a week ago

The OKR method allows teams to align their efforts on one or more key objectives, which in turn contribute to the company objectives. In Holaspirit, you can align OKRs of your circle to Company OKR to see how your Objectives contribute to the larger purpose. You can read more about the framework in this article.

Aligning objectives allows you to align Circles and Members with the Company Objectives and get everyone on the same page. When a Circle Objective is linked up to the Company level, that Objective becomes a Key Result for the Company as a whole. All progress made on the Circle level contribute to the progress of the Company OKR.

The Hierarchy view

Holaspirit helps you to build a goal tree directly from the hierarchy view. The OKRs tree start with the Company OKR and can be aligned to Circles or Members Objectives directly under it.

This tab offers an overview of the progression and status of aligned OKRs and helps you visualize objectives and the alignment between them.  You can see how the Objectives cascade in the company and get a clear focus on the priorities.

Thanks to the built-in transparency, members of the organization can look up and see where their work fits into that all-important big picture. If one OKRs progression is lagging behind, you’ll know where to focus your attention and resources to get things back on track.

How to align Objectives?

When creating or editing an OKR on Holaspirit, you can link one OKR to another OKR from any circle.  

  • Go to the Add an OKR or click on the OKR card that you’d like to edit, and click on the icon Edit OKR.
  • In Related Okrs, you can select Company OKRs or type the name of Circle OKRs you want to align the Objective to.
  • Click Create or Save

How to view aligned Objectives

On the OKR module, click on “Hierachy” to see the visual representation of all the OKRs that are contributing to this Company Objective. You can navigate with your mouse, zoom in and out. To view the objective in more detail, click on the card.

How can I visualize alignment of autonomous OKR?

OKR are not necessarily linked to Company OKRs. They can be aligned with Objectives of other Circles. In these cases, they are considered as autonomous Objectives.

See also
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