Help centerAdministration

How do I add new members to my organization?

Invite new member and manage invitations

Elodie Ohanian
Updated over a week ago

You want to invite new users to join the platform? As an administrator, you can add new members to your Holaspirit organization and manage their permissions.

How to invite new users?

To invite new users to your Holaspirit organization, you have two options:

Option 1

From the Administration settings:

  • Go to Manage users
  • Click on Add member
  • Fill in the member’s information (name and email address)
  • Choose your member’s status
  • Choose the circle(s) your new member will be part of
  • Click on Create member

You will be able to assign users to a role directly on the role page.

Option 2

As an admin, go the Members app:

  • Click on Add a member
  • Fill in the member’s information (name and email address)
  • Choose your member’s status and the circle(s) they will join
  • Click on Create member

Once created, the new user will be sent an email notification to complete the process and access the platform. If they don’t receive the invitation email, check out the troubleshooting section for troubleshooting.

How to manage user invitation?

In Administration > Manage users you can see the list of pending invitations by filtering the users by Invited then clicking on Search.

Regularly check the invitations to identify users who did not activate their account. An invitation is only valid for 6 months, after that it will be automatically deleted.

More information on how to re-send invitations to already invited members here.

Troubleshooting when a user does not get the invitation

See also

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