We've got not one but THREE releases that happened this past month at Holapsirit. Releases that will help you ease into collaboration, team alignment and transparency!
In this product update we'll look into:
➡️ OKRs' new timeline view
➡️ The new transversal roles
➡️ Mention members with the app
Let's dive in!
Timeline view
There's a new timeline view within our OKRs app. The Timeline view is the main OKRs view, allowing to visualize your OKRs depending on the timeframe applied to them. It includes two sub-views: My OKRs and All OKRs.
With the Timeline view, you can:
- Use the filter to organize the view by OKR status (health), circle, timeframe or key word,
- Group OKRs by circle to display the division of OKRs into circles they are assigned to,
- Zoom in and out with your trackpad navigate your OKRs,
- Use the Today button to quickly go back to your current view,
- Use the arrow buttons on the right to go around your OKR timeline.
My OKRs sub-view
The My OKRs view gives you a clear overview of the OKRs assigned to you and your circles. Your OKRs are shown on the timeline depending on their timeframe, which is defines their duration.They're ordered by size from top to bottom, and will automatically be rearranged if a new OKR is added to your timeline, to optimize the view and make it readable.
➡️ For more on the OKRs app, check out this OKR article
🔥 Transversal Roles 🔥
Who can use Transversal roles?
- All decision-makers/core members of a circle may decide to add, edit or delete a Transversal role.
- A Transversal role is created by the inviting circle that needs a skill it does not have.
💁♀️ Example: The Marketing circle needs the skills of the Designer role, which exists in the Product circle. In order to allow that, the Marketing circle can decide to invite the Designer role to participate in their circle by inviting it. It's the inviting circle (Marketing) which decides to add the Designer role as a Transversal role, the original circle (Product) is not involved in this decision.
Who can be assigned to a Transversal role?
Only the members assigned to the original role can be assigned to the Transversal role. These members are invited to work in the circle in which the Transversal role has been created. It means they can participate in the operations and governance (decisions, meetings) of the circle: they become core members of the circle.
👀 What can members of a Transversal role do?
➡️ For more on this release, check this article out!
How to mention members on Holaspirit?
To facilitate asynchronous collaboration and communication in your organization, you can mention members pretty much anywhere on Holaspirit. In certain cases, they'll even receive an email notification for the mention!
To mention a member:
- Type @ in chosen text field
- Enter name of the member you wish to mention
- Select the member from the dropdown list
Where to mention a member?
Mentioning a member is possible in any text field on your platform!
You can mention them in:
- The content of roles and circles: their purpose, accountabilities, strategy, policies or domains.
- The Description and Activity sections of all types of cards: Actions, Projects, Checklists, Metrics, OKRs, Tensions and Proposals.
- The content and comment section of Publications
➡️ For more on this release, check out this article!
Stay tuned for more releases coming your way! If you wish to contact our sales representatives, click here.