Sovereignty: the power to govern both sovereign individuals and sovereign institutions.
2019 IGI can deliver French assessments and certify Facilitator and Coaches in French.
2016 Louis CHIQUET certified coach in Holacracy
2012 Bernard Marie CHIQUET certified Master Coach in Holacracy, highest level Bernard Marie CHIQUET has the Holacracy trainer badge, can deliver practitioner trainings and coach trainings
27 rue Saint-Denis
78930 Goussonville
Founded in 2008 Bernard Marie Chiquet, iGi is a research institute, training center (certified AFAQ AFNOR) and consulting business for all type of companies and CEOs willing to transform their management system towards a constitutional management and self-management.
A transparent and efficient management system, based on a constitution and on empowered and thrived employees. In a decade, l’institut iGi has supports more than 85 companies in their transformation, in France, Europe and Québec.
Furthermore, this reasearch institute has imported Holacracy in Europe in 2010, a new managerial practice coming from the United States of America.
For this reason, l’institut iGi has been recognized as the first Premier Provider Holacracy.
For more informations: igipartners.com and managementconstitutionnel.com