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Release notes, latest evolutions

Discover what we’ve been working on to make Holaspirit better for you!

Millie Poisson
Updated over a week ago

1st March 2023

New features & Improvements

The notion of Core Member is simplified

To make it easy to assign all members to roles and manage their decision making status, we've made a few changes. Now you can:

  • Turn circle members into non decision-makers (non-core members) in the circle. This status prevents them from joinin meetings and participate in the governance decisions of the circle. However, they're still be able to work on the circle's operations (projects, actions, and OKRs). Read more
  • Assign Inactive members to Core and Elected roles.
  • Add Inactive members to the circle as members without a role. Read more

📌 Note: No matter what roles Inactive members are assigned to, their access remains restricted to a view-only status.

Easily turn Inactive members into active Users

When an Inactive member is assigned to a role, they cannot participate in the operations or decisions of the circle. If an inactive member is turned into an active member by making them User or Admin, their existing role assignations are automatically modified. They will automatically be made decision-makers (core-members) of the roles they were already assigned to, allowing them to participate in the operations and decisions of their team on Holaspirit. Read more

Customize your organization's public URL

Admins can now customize the URL that allows access to the public version of their organization. They can also embed their organization's structure to any other website, all that in a specific section in the Administration settings! Read more

Follow-up on invitations for new members

When an active member (User or Admin) is created, the email invitation is automatically sent. If the member does not log in, an automatic reminder is sent 24 hours and 7 days after they've been added to the organization. To help Admins keep an eye on invitations, they now can view if the invitation email has been sent and when. Read more

The OKR tab is added to members profile

The OKR section is now available on the members profile, allowing access to the OKR they're assigned to.

Comment on Metrics and Checklists

Metrics and checklists can only be reviewed during meetings. To simplify collaboration, we've added a comment section, so members can communicate and add information.

22nd February 2023

👍 Improvement

Because members can be part of several organizations, being able to easily switch being their different workspaces is crucial.

Before, if two of your organizations were configured with different authentication methods (SAML, Google SSO...), members could not switch from one organization to the other via the drop-down list in their app. Instead, they would have to logout and log back in using the authentication method in place in the organization they wanted to access. The struggle is over!

Now, if you login with your email and password, and need to access another organization configured with Google/SAML for example, the platform will facilitate the switch by offering the other login method automatically. This means you can easily switch from one organization to another using the drop down-list on your platform!

👉 More about how to switch between organizations

20th February 2023

🔥 New Experimental Feature

You want to improve documentation in your organization and make collaborating on processes easy and transparent? We've built a whole new app for that. We're very excited to announce that the new Publications app is now available for testing!

👉 Check out the Experiments Lab!

To access Publications, it's simple: enable the Experimental features mode on your platform. From there, you'll be able to use the full scope of the app and start working on publications.

The best part about testing new features is sharing feedback. We really want to hear what you have to say so we can make this new app even better! That's why you can share your feedback, suggestions and ideas directly on Holaspirit.

We look forward to reading your feedback! 😊

19th January 2023

👍 Improvements

A new interface to manage provisioning (SCIM)

A dedicated section is now available in the Administration settings (Authentication) to allow Admins to retrieve the provisioning token autonomously. This new interface allows to choose if, when they first login to Holaspirit, members will be created as "User" or "Inactive".

OKRs improvements

  • When an OKR's timeframe has been reached, it is now displayed in orange so you can easily identify which ones need to be reviewed and updated.
  • After you update a Key Result, the change show in the "Activity" section of the OKR card.

Also, to make working with Inbox easier, when a circle is assigned to a tension/note, it is now displayed on the card in the general view.

6th December 2022

🎄 Improvements

  • When removing a member who only holds one role in a circle from that role, you now have two options: Unassign the member from the role and make him a "Member without a role" of the circle or Remove from circle so the member is not at all part of the circle anymore.

30th November

👍 Improvements

  • You can now assign members to the Key Results of an OKR! This feature helps clarify the responsibility of members contributing to achieve the overall Objective within the circle. Read more.
  • To make working on your organization's structure even more intuitive, add Roles and Circles directly from the Chart view.
  • Reporting: To ensure all organisations have access to useful information, we've made detailed circle statistics available for all organisations (Admins). You can check a complete table of your organization statistics in Admin > Statistics. Read more.

16th November 2022

👍 Improvements

  • Clarity and communication are crucial, that's why email notifications now include assignation on Projects, Actions and OKRs. Configure your notification settings to be notified by email when assigned to operational cards! Read more.
  • When a Transversal Role is created in another circle, members are not automatically assigned to it anymore: it is up to the circle to assign the members of their choice (from the ones assigned to the original role).
    However, if there is only one member assigned to the original role, it is automatically assigned to the new Transversal Role.

8th November 2022

👍 Improvements

  • To make things easier for you, each object now has its on URL on Holaspirit!
  • You can copy and paste the URL from your browser to easily access and share the item (Role & Circle page, OKR, Action, Project...). This also means you can go back and forth from one page to another.
  • When email notifications are disabled for your organisation in Administration, a banner is now displayed for Admins and a message shows for all members in the notification settings of their account. Read more.
  • You can now edit the title of the "Check-in" and "Closing" meeting steps by modifying the meeting templates!

18th October 2022

👍 Improvements

  • With Weighted Objectives for OKRs, you can assign specific weights to key results to define how scoring and progress impact the Objective. Read more.
  • When you add an objection to an asynchronous proposal, you can decide to bring your objection to a meeting, no matter if the meeting is scheduled or not! This gives you the opportunity to explain your point to the team. Read more.

🔥 Experiments

The Experiments Lab has a new feature for you to try out!
We know how overwhelming it can be to add an objection to an asynchronous proposal. Is it valid? Is it not? To help you during the test process, we have added a wizard that asks you the test questions and will help you get a better understanding of that process. Take a look and tell us what you think!

11th October 2022

👍 Improvements

  • Inactive members can view all operations (projects, OKRs...) for all circles within the organisation (unless the circle has been made private).
  • Documents attached to a tension before or during a meeting are visible and accessible from meeting reports.

21st September 2022

⭐  New features

Add your organization's logo

Because we want you to appropriate your workspace and make it reflect your organization, you can now upload your company's logo in the navigation panel! Simply upload your logo in the Administration settings and make it match your organization's color theme. Read more.

Unfold the navigation panel

To make navigation between the different modules easier, we've made it possible to open the navigation bar to view the names of the different apps.

6th July 2022

👍 Improvements

We've rearranged the administration menu. Decision making settings can be found under ORGANIZATION.

21th June 2022

⭐  New features

New Statistics Reports

Admins, this one is for you! We're adding new stats and visuals to give you all the key insights to track how people engage on the tool. Read more.

Each App shows how people are using the tool in terms of intensity of usage and volume. All statistics can also be exported into a xls. file.

Suspension and restoration of members

Managing members in the Administration menu allows you to suspend members without being anonymized, removing them from the organization without deleting past actions from the Activities section. Suspending members also allows you to keep the member's profile information and thus restore them when you deem it necessary! Read more.

14th June 2022

⭐  New features

A new search to dive into your workspace data

  • We're improved the search experience. You can quickly filter your results by type of objects (roles, projects...) and even search into meeting reports! Read more.

Holacracy App 2.0

  • We've upgraded Holacracy app with more features to help you steer the implementation of Holacracy. In the App can help you:
  • Lock the customisation options to maintain a standard practice in the organisation.
  • Disable asynchronous proposals to let teams decide on governance in meetings only.
  • Display Holacracy definitions and tooltip in your workspace to help collaborators with this new way to organise.

Read more

👍 Improvements

UX improvements on Inbox

  • We've added some UX improvements to help you identify the tension that are processed, attached to a meeting or rejected.
  • You'll find a new tab to access your history of tensions so you can quickly see how you've processed them.

Read more

18th May 2022

New features

Copy a circle and its roles

We’ve just released the option to duplicate a circle! Save yourself some manual work when duplicating circles.

Check the guide

Here are several useful cases:

  • Duplicate circles when you have different projects with the same project roles.
  • Map different agencies, countries with the same structure.

A brand new circle dashboard

We've added a new tab in the administration. Here's what you can do from the circle dashboard:

  • Check the number of roles and members per circle
  • Quickly identify the circles that have overwritten administration settings and have setup a different governance mode, election, assignation process.
  • Export members of a circle
  • Export data from the circles

Check out more!

Pro tip 🔥 If you want to prevent circles to overwrite what is setup in Administration, you can enable or disable this option.

Here are typical use case:

  • When you want all circles to decide through the consent decision making process
  • When you want to foster a similar way of working across the organisation for elected roles and assigner roles.

👍 Improvements

We've done a bit of cleaning and rearrange the administration menu for a better navigation. You'll find the settings of an object in the designated folder.

11th May 2022

👍 Improvements

Nothing major today. We are focusing on several improvements.

  • Admins can apply to hiring roles
  • The Meeting reports shows the attendees' names
  • It's possible to merge two proposals into a single one!

2nd May 2022

New features

Say hello to custom OKR timeframes!

You can create and edit timeframes and start date to match your preferred OKR timeframe.

With the new update, timeframes can only be created by Admins. That means:

  • Admins can add new timeframes with a custom frequency and start date.
  • Admins can edit existing timeframes with a custom frequency and start date.
  • When creating a new OKR, users can select from a drop-down list of previously created timeframes (or the default existing ones).
  • Timeframes can also be deleted, to hide any timeframes that are no longer relevant, in order to keep OKR cycle management easier for everyone.

This also makes keeping circles in sync much easier.

Here's how

Tension? Spark? Driver? Note? Pick the one you want!

We're happy to introduce the possibility to choose a custom word for tensions. Self-management practices are very diverse and so is the naming of a tension!

New naming are now available: Note, Spark, Driver.

Admins can apply the appropriate naming in the Inbox App in Administration.

With this update, we also wanted to provide a more modular approach and let you decide if you want to display the Inbox module to users. So you can actually turn the app on and off in your organisation.

Here's how

13th April 2022

New features

Activate the Experiments Lab

If you want to get a speak peak of the features we're working on, join the Experiments Lab: our new hub to test new features and provide your feedback. Experiments will help us offer you a better release experience and built the feature that matters most for you. Our team has activated some enhancements to test in the Inbox. Go check it out!

Learn more

👍 Improvements

Inbox flow

You spoke, we listened! We keep on improving the Inbox module with this update:

  • You can now see the tension linked to meeting in your Inbox, so you can easily review and edit it before the meeting starts.
  • It's easier to send your tension to the next meeting (even when this one is not planned)!
  • Quickly process your tension into a proposal directly from the Inbox.

Other improvements

  • Quickly add a proposal from your Proposal Module and create several evolution into one proposal easily.
  • New exports are available! Navigate any module and find a quick export of the data at the top right corner of the page. Exports are currently available for Projects, OKRs and Members to all users.
  • We've move the management of meeting templates in the dedicated app in Administration
  • The activity feed of an action show the project in which the action is linked to.

March 2022

New features

All the help you need from the nav bar!

From the new help icon, you can get quick access to Holaspirit's ressources hub.

  • Upon clicking on What's new? you'll be redirected to Release Note page to check recent updates and improvements.
  • Upon clicking on Help Center you will be redirected to the home of helpful how-to articles (available in French, English and Dutch).
  • Upon clicking on Chat with us, the chat will pop up so you can contact our support team and quickly report issues, ask questions and request new features that will serve your company!

👍 Improvements

Notifications preferences

With the new notification interface,  you can easily adjust your notification preferences for each circle! You will find the Notifications section under your Account settings.

You can quickly subscribe to the notification of a circle you aren't a member of but want to get notified about recent activities. More details here.

24th February 2022

👍 Improvements

  • We've added a setting in administration to disable emails notification for all users (except for admins). Turn this on when:
  • You need to create the user accounts but don't want to send the invite yet
  • You're setting up your platform and don't want to be spammed with too many emails notifications
  • You can now filter the actions marked as done in the All Action tab.
  • The profile picture of the tension owner is now displayed in the meeting reports to quickly identify who owns what.

  • We've improved the UI to open a meeting. You now have to confirm it is intended to open the meeting.
  • The Activity log of a Project, Action or OKR shows a mention when the items was originally created from a tension.

15th February 2022

Check out what's new on Holaspirit!

New features

Change the color of your workspace

With the new Theme settings, you can select the color of your workspace.
The color is displayed for all users. Read more.

Active only the apps you need

This UX improvement allows you to choose the applications that are available in your workspace. Projects, Actions, OKRs and Meetings are now applications that you can turn on and off to add or remove functionnality for your organization depending on the use case you wish to have on Holaspirit. Read more.

Flexible Kanban board

Every user of a circle/team can now:

  • Add, delete column of the Kanban
  • Rename existing column
  • Rearrange the circle board

With this update, you can adapt your board to your existing workflows. Read more.

17th January 2022

New features

Elect multiple members to the same role

We understand that some roles might need more than one member to function optimally. Elected roles can now have more than one elected member. Read more

Make all roles in your organization Elected roles

There are some organizations where roles are elected by default. To make things easier, you can now choose to make all roles as elected roles with a simple click ! Define this setting in the Circle Settings in Administration. Read more

Define the Main roles within your organization and your circles

You might consider some role as the  driving force or even the structure base of your circle. You can now highlight them by defining them as Main roles in your organization’s settings or directly by personalizing your circle’s settings.

By doing so, they will appear at the top of the roles list on your circle page under Main roles. Read more

Apply a role template to an existing role

As your organization evolves and adapts to change, so do your roles. Over time, some roles might transform and recurrently find their place in more and more circles. Holaspirit now allows you to apply role templates to existing roles in order to save time when redesigning and structuring your organization. Any circle member the role is part of can do it directly from the role page ! Read more


13th December 2021

See the full list of new features here.

6th October 2021

Resolved issues

  • The overlap in the chart settings display has been corrected.
  • The PDF reports for meetings including tensions are back to displaying the content for tensions.
  • External links added to the comment/activity thread are back to being visible.
  • The DPA (Data Protection Agreement) has been updated.
    You can access it here or download it directly on your platform in  
    Administration > General settings
  • The platform's search engine now offers up to 40 results and is not limited to 20 results anymore.
  • An emergency process has been put into place on our API use. Scripts will automatically shut down if they negatively impact the access to the platform.

21st September 2021

Resolved issue

  • We fixed the button to export roles and members in Administration > Manage users.

30th August 2021

New features on the Chart

Organizations evolve, your org chart too!  

We’ve added new cool features to help you navigate, search and sort your org chart.

New chart types

While Holaspirit helps teams update their org chart and maintain a clear structure, we wanted to go the extra mile and offer more possibilities to visualize your organization in different ways.

Admins can enable or disable new chart types according to their company structure and culture. They can enforce a default org chart. Users will be able to switch between different types of charts once it’s set up.

Additional filter options

Any user will see new options to filter the organization chart.

You will be able to search and sort your org chart by role title, member’s name, last updates, and role statuses. Results will directly show up on your org chart in blue.

We want your search experience to be:

  • Simple - we want to make sure it’s simple to navigate and find what you're looking for in your org chart.
  • Fast - you'll easily be able to find the roles you need, and consult them lightning fast.
  • Visual - you'll be able to quickly spot the roles and updates without having to scroll down the list of roles.

Heat maps

Heat map make it easier to analyze at a glance the latest evolutions and resources distribution. It provides you with a visual overview of how your organization really evolves.

Heat maps allow you to visualize:

  1. How your organization distributes resources between the different roles. The FTE heat map shows the sum of Full Time Equivalents available on the roles through a color-code (available if an admin has enable the Time Spent in Role application)
  2. How your organization evolves throughout time. The activity heat map shows the roles that have been modified in the last 7, 30 and 90 days.

Use the legend at the bottom left of the page to analyze the information.

More info on the new features here

Improvements to navigation

New navigation on Governance

We’ve improved the way to navigate between roles and charts.

Users now enter the page All Roles by default and can filter the results.

You'll find all the existing filter behind the icon and will be able to display circle only.

Improvement on Meetings experience

Approaching meetings will be highlighted on the Meetings page.

It is also easier to add agenda items or existing tensions to the meeting.

Resolved issue

  • Fixes were added on the Rich Text Editor. Images now show up on the meeting reports.
  • We’ve improved the performance of the OKR Hierarchy.

19th July 2021

New features

The essential features for Projects and Tasks management

Holaspirit includes modules to support your day-to-day work and show what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process.

We’re proud to announce that we have gone the extra mile to improve our operations management features up to the market-standards to make teams work efficiently on Holaspirit.

You can now have all the project, action, OKR information accessible in one place that you can easily share it with your team and access it in a few clicks.

Planning and Scheduling

  • Due Dates for Projects and Actions: never miss a deadline and stay on track! Holaspirit enables assigning actions or projects to team members and setting priorities and deadlines. You can even organize your project board based on approaching due dates.
  • Create labels to categorize your projects board. Labels can indicate the priority, type of projects, teams involved…

Team collaboration

  • File sharing: you can add Attachments to link cards to documents or images with the simple paste of a URL, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive (available on Projects, Actions, OKRs, Checklists, Metrics cards). Every circle member can insert information to the card and others will have quick access whenever and wherever they need it.
  • Duplicate cards and re-use existing projects, actions and OKRs. You won’t have to start from a blank page anymore!

Team communication

  • Comment cards to engage in a conversation and communicate updates in a more meaningful way and check the activity feed to become aware of previous updates. Use the comment text box to mention roles and share updates to your team or circle. (You can always integrate with Slack for effortless and quick team communication)

Write your text in Style : Holaspirit now supports bold, italics, underlining, headings, lists and much more. You can apply any of these styles to your text using the toolbar behind the ‘+’. Plus, the editor can now also preserve rich text formatting when you paste in formatted text from another source! Meeting secretaries can add images in the meeting steps to improve reporting!

Resolved issues

This new release also comes with a batch of bug fixes:

  • Tensions and proposals happened to be imported partially in Meetings so we fixed it.
  • Buttons to cancel Projects and OKRs were not responding.
  • Bouncing issues from are resolved.
  • “Copy role” does not copy only the role/circle title but also copy accountabilities and domains.
  • Minor bug fixes

3rd May 2021


  • Improved loading performance on the chart view.
  • Improved display of role and circle titles on the organization chart. All titles are displayed as you zoom in the chart view.

  • The agenda items processed can now be reopened and edited by the meeting's secretary. Secretary will be able to edit the Tension's title, description and assigned member. Plus you can edit the meeting results including new actions, projects, checklists, metrics, OKRs and Tensions. Note that governance evolutions cannot be edited once validated.
  • All URL types can be added as an attachment on the Documents page of a role or circle.

Bug fixes

  • The chart view will no longer display truncated at the bottom of the page.

26 April 2021

New features

🆕  Roles can be invited in other circles

You can create a Transversal Role to invite a Role to take part in the decision and operations of another Circle.  [watch the video]

This will allow to create a linked copy of the role inside another circle, thus improving flexibility and innovation.

To create a Transversal Role, follow these comprehensive steps

🆕  New Search filtering for OKRs and Members

You were familiar already with the possibility of filtering the results displayed on the page and we've made improvement on this matter. You will now quickly find the information you’re looking for in the list.


💡 New Role Creation menu

We made some improvements on the creation page of a role that allow you now to quickly find the object you wish to create. You will find the same menu in your meetings and asynchronous proposals.

  1. Create a role from scratch
  2. Copy from an existing role: simply copy the content (Name, Purpose, Accountabilities and Domains) of an existing role. No sync between the roles.
  3. Import a role template from the template library in administration. Role is synchronized with the template.
  4. Invite a Role: allows you to create a sync copy of a role inside another circle and add more accountabilities to the duplicated role.

Read more.

💡 Personalized meeting steps description

You can now adapt the check in and closing steps of your meeting. Just edit your Meeting Templates in Administration.

💡  Assign all members in one click

We’ve made some improvements that allow you now to quickly assign a project, an action, an OKR, a checklist or metrics to all circle’s or role’s members.

💡 Tension’s type is restored.

A tension can optionally be linked to a meeting template.

If a tension is linked to a template, it can only be imported in this specific meeting.

This will help you select the relevant tensions for the meeting when building the agenda.

Make sure that you select the right type of tension if you want them to go up in your meeting.

💡 Reordering of Roles and Members attributes

Members and Roles' attributes are now displayed appart in the Administration menu. If you have already created custom attributes in your organization, they will be saved and you'll be able to manage them in the corresponding page.

💡 Switching a user to inactive is available

Administrators can change a user's privilege from user to inactive user. There are no  limitation for it. If you have a colleague on maternity leave or extended leave, you can edit his/her privilege to inactive. These users are free and have limited access to Holaspirit features.

✅  Bug fixes

This new release also comes with a batch of bug fixes:

  • the infinite loading on the chart page is fixed
  • a non core circle member cannot create a meeting

16th March 2021

New feature ✨  

  • When a meeting is scheduled, circle members can attach their tensions to the meeting's agenda in advance. It gives a chance to everyone circle members invited a way to add to the agenda before the meeting, come prepared and be more focused and relevant during the meeting.

Bug fixes

  • The Member tab of a Circle page shows the list of all the members without limit.
  • It’s now possible for circle members to add documents to the General Circle of the organization providing they are a member of that circle.
  • We’ve made a couple other bug fixes (longer session lifetime, UX alignment...)

2nd March 2021


  • Mention of roles are now highlighted on the Role/Circle page. When a Role mentions another role with @+role in its Purpose, Accountabilities,  Domains, it will show up on the mentioned roles. This to help you visualize the relationship between roles. In the example below, you will see that Product Manager is mentioned on Customer Success, Account Manager and Product Request Reporter.
  • Links to documents can be edited.
  • It's now possible to check an action from the Actions tab of a Role/Circle

Bug fixes and UX improvements

  • Complete meeting reports are back! Each circle members receive clear meeting notes after the meeting with an easy access to tensions discussed and next actions decided.
  • Various minor fixes (scroll issue on the meeting steps, display issue for user's avatar...)

Mobile Android and iOS

  • You can manage your Tensions from the mobile application again

24th February 2021


  • We've added new shortcut: you can now find meeting reports directly from the Circle's page.
  • Ever wanted to remove ongoing asynchronous proposals just after submitting it to circle members? You can now stop the process and delete your proposal after it has been sent to circle members.
  • Want to contact you circle fellows? You can easily copy emails of all circle members, all core members or all members of core roles directly from the Members tab of a Circle.

  • Random selection of tensions in Meetings is back! The Secretary can also group tensions per alphabetical order or creation date.

  • Meeting reports have been reviewed with more valuable information and new design. It gives a snapshot of the meeting discussion and decisions. No additional clicks required to expand the tension.

  • New UX for the Documents page: it’s easier to differentiate documents attached on the Circle and those attached to subcircles. FYI, you need to be a member of the Parent Circle to be able to add, edit or delete Documents.
  • The breadcrumb is also displayed on the Public Organizations link for better navigation.
  • Inactive users have access to Metrics, Checklists, Projects, Actions, OKRs of their Circle.

Bug fixes

  • Meeting secretary will automatically be redirected to the Agenda step when clicking on a tension during the meeting.
  • We’ve made a couple other bug fixes (redirection of meeting reports, scrolling issues, display of member pictures...)

17th February 2021


  • Invitation and Manage users tabs have merged in Administration for better navigation. Find all your organization members in one single page.
  • The General Circle can directly be edited from the Circle itself. The page General Circle in Administration no longer exists.
  • The meeting reports now show the modifications of Actions, Projects, OKRs, Checklists and Metrics (only the creation and deletion were reported in the meeting notes)
  • Translation App:
    - New limitations: organizations can activate 3 languages and assign 5 translators maximum.
    - UX improvement: the icon turns grey when the role/circle is already shown in the preferred language.

Bug fixes and UX improvements

  • You can now paste multiple lines in one click in a Role and Circle's accountabilities and domains. Just click the icon or click Add an accountability.
  • You can add a clickable link in Accountabilities. Paste your link, double click the URL and select the link icon.
  • Recurrent meetings show the same meeting agenda.
  • Synchronization between meetings and personal calendar for private circles is back.

13th February 2021

New features

🆕  Meeting Templates are here!

Meeting templates allow admins to set-up reusable Meeting Templates that fits your teams routine! For every meeting (one-on-ones, team meetings, daily stand up), creating template will help you save time and create consistency across all of your meetings.

What's new:

  • Create meeting templates for you and your teams and easily populate meeting frameworks.
  • Organize your meeting steps beyond tactical and governance processes (including OKRs and Actions steps)
  • Decide what meeting results are expected (new actions, projects, checklists, metrics, OKRs, tension or governance evolutions)
  • Get more detailed meeting reports that includes all the meeting steps.

5th January 2021


  • New meeting reports for Tactical Meetings: The reports now provides complete information about the discussion that has transpired during the tactical meeting. It gathers important steps of the meeting: from the checklist review to the agenda. It's clearer for everyone what happened and can be consulted behind the menu Reports in the Meeting module.
  • Real-time outputs for Tactical Meetings: Tactical Meeting outputs are updated in real-time. You don't need to wait until you close the meeting to see your new Projects, Actions, and Governance tension.
  • New navigation: The Chart view now shows the level of the organization and the purpose of the current circle so you can easily navigate your organization.
  • New export available in administration for members assigned to core roles in the menu Role Templates.

Bug fixes & UX improvements

  • The left-hand navigation menu has been improved to enhance your experience.
  • When a user edit a document or a publication, the date and author of the modification are displayed on the document on the role/circle page.  

10th December 2020


  • 🆕 Slack Integration: Is your organization or team using Slack? Would you like to be able to receive notifications for your circle in a Slack channel instead of email?

New commands are available when you integrate Slack into one of your organization's circles. You can now display a role/circle's information in a Slack channel with the command /holaspirit @rolename @circlename and/or mention roles and members @rolename @membername. How do I set up Slack integration?

  • Tensions are now saved as "Ready" by default so that the secretary can systematically import them in the meeting. Users can change the status to "Draft" if they wish to keep the tension private.
  • We have simplified asynchronous governance proposals to improve user understanding.

Bug fixes & UX improvements

  • OKRs : Quadrimesterly Timeframe for OKRs have been reviewed. Only core members of the Anchor Circle can create, edit and delete Company OKRs.
  • The order of domains and responsibilities can be rearranged.
  • Roles are now sorted alphabetically in the General tab of a circle.
  • All pages of the meeting report can be printed and downloaded again.

9th December 2020

New feature

🆕 We've just launched a new Translation Application.

The Translations Application allows you to automatically translate the content

of roles and circles of your organization in more than 50 languages. Your organization or your team is multilingual, activate the app to:

  • Automatically translate the content of roles and circles (Purpose, Domains, Policies, Accountabilities, Custom Fields)
  • Overcome language barriers.
  • Improve the clarity on role/circle for people in your organization
  • Select translators in your organization to proofread the machine translations.

4th December 2020


The left navigation menu is now collapsed. You can easily navigate through the different sections using the icons. We have added these changes to improve the navigation experience between sections (especially in meetings) and optimize your workspace on operational sections (Projects, OKRs).

23th November 2020

Find your organization’s chart, roles and circle in one singe entry: Governance.
The menus Chart, Roles and Circle have merged to improve your navigation experience.

19th November 2020

Bug fixes & UX improvements

We’ve made a couple other bug fixes and UX improvements (chart navigation, meeting crashes...)

16th November 2020


We’ve introduced new features and updates to the OKR module that help you manage your goals more effectively. We launched an entire new view, fresher and more intuitive interface that gives you a clear overview of your OKRs. These new features let you:

  1. Visualize the hierarchy of OKRs, and see how you fit into the bigger picture
  2. Create Company OKRs to set a clear focus on the strategy of the organization.
  3. Organize your OKR on a Timeframe to define and achieve OKRs
  4. See if you’re on the right track to achieve your goal within the time constraints thanks to our new status and color system. You can easily see what’s needs attention and iterate until you see the desired results.

👉 Watch our demo:

30th October 2020


  • There's a new page on the Administration panel for user management. Platform administrators can now simply manage access, user information and invitations.  We've redesign this section to make member management even easier. This new page allows you to:
  1. Add, edit and delete members
  2. Export organization and members' data
  3. Manage user accounts and invitation`

  • Members of the organization can view the user directory in the Member section of the left navigation panel.
  • Non-core members of a circle can no longer update the circle's strategy.

Bug fixes

  • The option to choose a circle admin is back. Circle admins have access to the circles settings and edit the assignment rules, governance settings, edit the privacy settings of the circle and manage integrations.
  • Minor bug fixes

20th October 2020

Bug fixes

  • Performances on side panels have been reviewed and improved.

15th October 2020


  • Google file picker is available. You can now attach attachments directly from your Drive to make the communication ad roles clarity even better.
  • New design for the Documents page of a role and a circle with a more intuitive interface.
  • We have made it easier to add members to a role or a circle. The options Add core member and Add lead member have been merged. Members still have the option to join or apply for the role.

9th October 2020


  • Only Circle Members can add, edit or archive operations (Projects, Actions, OKRs) of the circle.

Bug fixes

  • Performances in Tactical Meetings have been reviewed and improved.

7th October 2020


  • You can now add attachments to roles and circles from One Drive.
  • The profile picture can be deleted.
  • We have added introductory videos to Holaspirit main features from the tooltip at the top of the page.
  • The election process pop-up has been reviewed.

Bug fixes

  • Minor bug fixes, including a fix on member's biography.

29th September 2020


  • Projects, Actions, OKRs, Checklists and Metrics assignations: We have reviewed the assignation of members to operations. You can now select only few members among the role or across the whole circle and assign more than one member to a project, an action, a Checklist, a Metric or an OKRs. Only the members assigned to the items are displayed on the project, action or OKR card.
Assign role members to projects
  • Add attachments to roles and circle directly from Dropbox, from any link or your computer. You can easily attach files from the Documents section of a role or a circle.
  • New shortcuts to help you add/edit a role or a circle. You can easily make changes to the structure of your organization whether you are working with consent or in open governance decision making process. These improvements help you design and iterate on the structure of your organization and your role by giving you a better access to the main actions you can take.

Watch the video summary 🎬

14th September 2020


  • It's now possible to see the amount of tensions in the circle. It helps you figure out the amount of tensions that can potentially be covered in the meeting before starting the meeting and assess whether it is necessary to have a meeting or not.

Bug fixes

  • Recurrent meetings can be scheduled beyond 10 weeks.
  • Various minor fixes.

9th September 2020


  • Holaspirit integrates with your IS. Organizations can configure Single Sign On (SSO) access through SAML authentication or Google, to facilitate the access to the application and have a single, secure authentication for all employees. Administrators can now enforce SSO authentication for members to log in using Google or SAML mode.

8th September 2020


  • Circle settings have been reviewed according to your feedback.
  • When the secretary updates the description of the tension, the text is display in real time allowing others members to follow the progress of the meeting.

Bug fixes

  • Various minors fixes on the actions, projects and OKRs modules.
  • We keep up the work to improve the performance of the service.

7th September 2020

Mobile Application V 1.4.3


  • The application is in English by default if no other language is available.
  • Various minor improvements and bug fixes.


  • You can now filter the Roles page with Vacant roles and Hiring roles.
  • You can filter inactive members in the Members page.
  • Inactive members can easily be identified on the Roles and Circles pages.
  • The pages Tensions, Roles, Members and Circles are automatically refresh when you scroll up.
  • The application is in English by default if no other language is available.
  • Various minor improvements and bug fixes.

28th August 2020


  • The design of the Members’ page has been reviewed. Discover your teammates differently!
  • OKRs can now be archived. When you’ve reached your Objectives you can now archive the OKRs and access the history of your OKRs in the view Archived OKRs.
  • When editing an OKR, you can now reorder the Key Results of OKRs by a simple drag and drop.
  • The newsletter of the Application Onboarding Program for Holacracy Practitioners can be downloaded as a PDF directly from the app - share it with your teammates!
  • Quickly identify the tensions that include an evolution thanks to the attachments icon.

Bug fixes

  • The bug on the Public Link is fixed. Your organization's chart can be viewed by people outside your organization.
  • Various minor fixes.

19th August 2020


  • The display pictures have a new design ! User's icon have different colors.  Users who have left the organization have a default image.
  • There are new icons to help you understand the roles within a circle. It will help you identify the role in charge of assignation (A), the role that leads the circle (L), the role that represents the circle (R), the elected roles (E) and the role templates (T) within the circle.
  • Holaspirit is now available in Czech. You can change the language in your Profile Settings. 🇨🇿
  • We have improved the SSO (Single Sign-On) settings. If SAML authentication is enabled in your organization, a user who tries to connect to Holaspirit with  unauthorized credentials - or tries to reset his/her password, will automatically be redirected to IDP (Identity Provider) login page. No more mix-up on how to login!
  • The design of the Time Spend in Roles app and custom fields have been slightly reviewed for a better user experience.

Bug fixes

  • Various minor fixes.

12th August 2020


  • The Circle Admins are new on Holaspirit! They can customize the circle settings for their circle. Now, each circle in your organization can change its settings independently from the settings defined for the entire organization - and decide how to handle assignation and governance decision inside the circle.
  • Members of the organization can add their locations, skills, and a biography in their profile settings. These new fields allow you to better manage member’s information and expertise within your organization. Platform administrators can add field suggestions from the Administration, General Settings.
  • You will find direct links to articles of our knowledge base on each module of the platform by hovering over the icon with your mouse. A question ? Do not hesitate to consult the article!

7th August 2020

Mobile Application 1.4.2


  • You can now filter the Roles page with Vacant roles and Hiring roles.
  • You can filter inactive members in the Members page.
  • Inactive members can easily be identified on the Roles and Circles pages.
  • The pages Tensions, Roles, Members and Circles are automatically refresh when you scroll up.

24th July 2020


  • You can now search for Domains in the Search feature.
  • You can add a ratification document for your organization in Administration, General Circle. This document will be displayed on the Circle page in the Documents tab.

Bug fixes

  • Several bug fixes

23rd July 2020


  • Difficult to evaluate the resources and time allocated to each role in your organization? With the new Time Spent in My Roles application, users can enter the approximate time they spend in each of their roles. You have clear information on the number of Full Time Equivalents that are involved in each roles of your organization!
  • Find all the information related to your Applications in a single tab! Administrators can now better manage applications for the organization and easily access settings and associated statistics in the section Apps.

Bug fixes

  • Bug fixes on several display issues.

16th July 2020

Bug fixes

  • You can Copy the link of meeting reports and share it with your teammates.
  • Users who could no longer participate and interact within their circle are resolved.
  • Viewing a role page on a public organization is restored.

8th July 2020

Bug fixes

  • You can again assign a project to a Lead Link of a sub-circle.
  • The integration with Jira integration is restored.
  • Various minor fixes.

2nd July 2020


  • There are new privacy settings for circles. These settings allow you to manage your general privacy preferences for each circle of your organization. You can set up privacy for operations (i.e. Projects, Actions, OKR, Meeting reports) and Documents (i.e. Attachments and Publications). Read more.
  • A new "Hiring Role" section has been added to the roles page. This section allows the role in charge of assigning members to roles to promote the role in a marketplace to invite other users to come and fill it.
  • We have made significant fixes to improve the performance of the platform. Navigation, page loading are faster. We continue to focus on these improvements
  • Minor graphic evolution of the list of roles and members on the page of a circle or a role.

Bug fixes

  • Several bug fixes on the mobile application

Mobile Application

  • Many were waiting for it: you can now  add or edit your tension directly from your smartphone on the mobile app of Holaspirit (iOS and Android).

29th June 2020


  • Tactical and governance reports can now be downloaded into a PDF.

24th June 2020


  • As for now, administrators can delete tactical and governance meeting reports.
  • Meeting reports of deleted circles are not deleted and available in the "Reports" view.
  • The statistics in Administration can be exported into an Excel file.
  • You can sort members by First Name or Last Name on the Members page.

Bug fixes

  • Various minor fixes.

11th June 2020


  • There is a new application to activate an Onboarding Program for Holacracy Practitioners. This newsletter will be composed of 12 weekly mails allowing to improve the understanding and the practice of this methodology. If your organization is using Holacracy and new to the practice, fee free to activate it in Administration settings!

Bug fixes

  • Various minor fixes including redirecting to the right circle in the Holarchy when a role is added.

5th June 2020


  • Privacy settings have been updated. Now when you share the public link of your organization, only roles, circles, and members are publicly visible. Meetings, operations and publications are private.
  • We have removed the Whereby and Highfive applications in the Administration section. You can now use any video conference link for your meetings and access it directly from Holaspirit! It is possible to add the link by clicking on "Videocall".
  • Minor improvements including adding an area code to phone number.

Bug fixes:

  • Various minor fixes
  • Login issue with Google and SAML on mobile application have been fixed.

1st June 2020


  • When creating or editing a meeting, you are now able to add a visioconference link, or a location and description about the meeting agenda allowing you to share the right information to your team members. Members attending the meeting will be able to join the visioconference directly within the meeting in Holaspirit.
  • A card summarizing the main information is displayed when you hover over a role, a circle. This mini-card contains: the name of the role, the name of the circle, the purpose, the assigned members.
  • A card summarizing the main information is displayed when you hover over a member. This mini-card contains: first name, last name, photo, email, telephone, number of roles, privilege (Admin, Inactive, Member)
  • Minor graphic evolution of the role and circle card to fit with mini-card.
  • Discounts, when applicable, are now displayed in the Subscription and Billing area of the Administration page.

Bug fixes:

  • Disabling of the functionnality “Resend email invitation” when test mode is activated.
  • Various minor fixes.

20 Mai 2020


  • Adding a warning message when updating circle settings in administration

Bug fixes:

  • The 404 page, displayed on the circle link in the meeting reports is corrected
  • The issue regarding checklists and metrics assignation to a sub-circle has been fixed
  • Various minor fixes

14 Mai 2020


  • A new font has been added to improve reading experience.
  • We added the possibility to hierarchize OKRs. An OKR can be affiliate to another parent-OKR from any circle. Note that an OKR can only have one parent-OKR. Read more.

Bug fixes:

  • Various minor fixes

30 April 2020

New feature:

  • Formatting options have been added to applications forms. Read more.


  • New status (Draft, Ready, In Progress, Rejected, Invalid) and types (Tactical, Governance, Undefined) for tensions. Read more.
  • Using the scratchpad doesn't overlap the proposal  any more during a governance meeting.
  • The outputs in a tactical meeting can be edited again throughout the meeting by the secretary.
  • Administrators can change members' phones.
  • Deleting a member from a circle is temporarily restricted for members without roles. You should remove a member from their roles before removing from the circle.

Bug fixes:

  • Adding members in a circle when no role in charge of assignment is defined
  • Various minor fixes

16 April 2020


  • Any member of the organization can be selected for an election in a given circle

Bug fixes :

  • Issues with the scrollbar on modals are fixed (especially on Firefox)
  • Copy URL is restored for checklists and metrics
  • Various minor fixes

10 April 2020


  • Improvement and visual redesign of the software (simplified access to information, reduced spacing, harmonization of elements, rearrangement of consultation windows)
  • UX improvement of governance and tactical meeting interfaces (optimized form, more intuitive display of modified elements, help for saving and validation)
  • Display of rejected tensions in meeting reports
  • It is no longer possible to validate an empty proposal tension in governance
  • Display and management of tensions that have become invalid due to structural changes
  • We have improved notifications during meetings
  • Rearrangement of role option menus
  • Added functions to join and leave a role immediately in Open Mode
  • Redirection to the requested URL after user authentication
  • We have removed the presentation of the new version

Bug fixes :

Various minor fixes

2 april 2020


  • You can now add Start and End values on the Key results of your OKR

Bug fixes:

  • Edit members
  • Other technical fixes

26 march 2020

New feature:

  • You can easily switch the Secretary during a meeting.


  • The Agenda box is now back during all the steps of the meeting.
  • Roles and Circle’s side panel now display an Add button for Actions, Projects and OKRs
  • When importing a tension with a non valid proposal, we now display it and you can only delete the proposal.
  • You can create roles linked with role templates in a Governance meeting
  • You can now select/change the Output type when you’re describing it during the agenda round of a Tactical meeting
  • Strategy can now be updated only by a Circle member or Administrator
  • Invoices are now accessible via a dedicated popin

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes in both tactical and governance meeting

11 march 2020


  • We now display a message on My actions page when the user activated a personal task management
  • Violet pages are now branded and offering a way to report an error to our team

Bug fixes:

  • Copy URL on scheduled meetings
  • Fixes in both tactical and governance meeting
  • Long links on emails
  • Fixes on OKR

21 February

New feature:

  • OKR can be attached from a project card


  • We added a Search icon and Type to search mention in dropdown to better explain that we can search in it
  • It's possible to have Circle OKR (not attached to Roles)
  • It's possible to change the Circle of an OKR
  • Status of the action now displayed on the detail card

Bug fixes:

  • Members of roles defined as Representant in the Upper Circle are now core members in the upper circle
  • Various bug fixes

10 February

New feature:

  • Secretary can easily switch the tension owner while typing a tension in the agenda box.

See also
No items found.

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New ways of working for organizations of the future.