Help centerSubscription & Billing

How to switch from Premium to a new Holaspirit plan?

Elodie Ohanian
Updated over a week ago

You had a paid Holaspirit account before we introduced our new pricing model? This means you are currently on the Premium plan.

The Premium plan is not available to our new customers since the launch of our new offers in September 2022 and is set to permanently disappear while existing customer transition to our new plans.

👉 This article will guide you through the process of understanding which plan would be the most suited to your organization and how to switch your subscription!

Which plan is for me?

To make things easier for you, we've designed a short survey to help you identify which plan is made for you, depending on your needs. Click on the button below! 👇

Access the Holaspirit plan Simulator

You can also check out these resources, which will help:

You have a question? Don't hesitate to contact our Support team, we are here to help! 😊

How to switch to a new plan?

👤 Only the Owner and Admins can manage the organization's subscription.

You can easily move to another directly from your Holaspirit platform:

  • Click on your profile icon and select Subscription & Billing
  • Click on the Upgrade to our new plan button

Choose you plan

  1. If needed, Move the cursor to select the number of licences you need
  2. Choose the billing frequency (Yearly or Monthly)
  3. Select the plan of your choosing
  4. Click on Continue at the bottom of the page

📌 Note: Your current number of licences and billing frequency will be selected by default, but it's time to make changes if you wish to!

Build your plan

To tailor your plan to your organization's needs, you get to choose the apps and add-ons included in your plan.

  • Click on Add next to the app(s) or add-on(s)  to include them in your plan
  • Click on Remove for them not to be includes in your plan
  • Click on Continue to confirm

☝️ Reminder: The Start plan includes the Projects & Actions, Meetings and OKRs apps by default, you cannot remove them from the plan.

📌 Note: If you're not sure if you wish to include an app or an add-on in your plan, you can always add it at a later time! See how here.

View your plan's recap

Make sure you've got everything you need included in your plan using the recap. If you want to make changes to what you've selected, go back to the previous step by clicking on Subscription.

You're happy with your plan? Click on Confirm order!

Congratulations, you've switched to one of our new plans! 🎉

How does it work once I've switched plans?

Your new plan kicks in right away!

Your old Premium plan gets automatically cancelled and the pro rata remainder of what's already been paid until the end of your contract (either renewing on a yearly or monthly basis) is refunded back to you.

You will receive a fresh invoice for your new plan, and can set up a new payment method if you wish to.

Also, the new start date of your plan is now the date on which you switched plans. This means that your renewal date might have changed.

See also

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