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How to find the email of people in my organization?

Millie Poisson
Updated over a week ago

You can easily access the email addresses of all the members of a circle or the whole organization.  

Circle Members List

To get the email adresses of all members of a circle, go to the circle page:

  • Go to the Members tab
  • Use the Filter by drop down list to select the type of members (All members, Core members, Main role members)
  • Click on Copy emails

Organization Members List

Prerequisite: Be an administrator of the platform.

Admins can access the list of all users' email addresses in the organization.

  • Go to Administration from your avatar
  • Go to Manage users
  • Click on Export then Download to generate an export with all the users in the organization
  • Filter the list of users directly in the file to copy the email addresses

Role Template Members List

Prerequisite: Be an administrator of the platform.

Admins can access the list of all members assigned to roles that have been created from role templates in the organization.

  • Go to Administration
  • Go to Role templates
  • Click on the 3 dots at the very right side of the template
  • Select Export members to get a list of all the members who fill the roles created from this role template including their contact details

See also

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