Help centerUsing Holaspirit

How do I log in?

How to log in or reset your password

Millie Poisson
Updated over a week ago

To log in to Holaspirit:

Forgot your password?

  • Click on Forgot your password ?
  • Enter your email address
  • Click on get a new password

We will send you an email with instructions to change your password.

If your email address exists on Holaspirit, you will receive an email with instructions on how to log in. If don't receive the email, please check your junk box.

If you're still not able to login, get in touch with us.

SAML and Google Authentication

Your organization can configure SAML and Google SSO.

In these case, you must log in to Holaspirit using the good authentification method.

  • If SAML authentication is activated, click on Login via SAML and use the credentials stored in your organization’s Active Directory, LDAP.
  • If Google Auth is activated, click on Login via Google and connect with your Google Account.

Note: If you have difficulties to connect, try to clean your browser cache.

See also

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