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Holaspirit API documentation

How to access and use holaspirit's API

Philippe Pinault
Updated over a week ago

Available for: Holaspirit Enterprise, Scale

Our APIs are based on a RESTful approach (see REST). It features predictable and resource-oriented URLs and uses HTTP response codes to indicate API errors. Our REST APIs comprise of HTTP methods that you can use to build integrations that don't rely on interactions in the Holaspirit interface.

Why you should use our REST APIs:

  • Connect Holaspirit to a third-party product
  • Enable flows that require communicating with a server backend or a database

If you wish to get access to our API key, contact us at

The details of all endpoints are available here:

Check the our developer guide here:

Obtain your Access token

Using a read-only access token

After you request a read-only access token from the support, you can use it for all your GET requests. (And it never expires)

Generating a read-write access token

Before your application can access Holaspirit data, it must obtain an access token that grants access to the API.



client_id: Required OAuth2 Client ID
client_secret: OAuth2 Client secret
grant_type: OAuth2 grant
type: "password" or "refresh_token"
username: Email
password: Password
timezone: Timezone (e.g.: "+02:00")

The client secret is not required for a public app.

The default and public Client ID is: 54cb79d0279871e1248b4567_400tdzqbdcowsskk08gws0wkwogck00w084w4s8w8gok08s0o8.


   "access_token": "#################",
   "expires_in": 3600,
   "token_type": "bearer",
   "scope": null,
   "refresh_token": "#################"

Response errors

Incorrect Client ID (status code: 400):

   "error": "invalid_client",
   "error_description": "The client credentials are invalid"

Incorrect credentials (status code: 400):

   "error": "invalid_grant",
   "error_description": "Invalid username and password combination"

2. Once authenticated, you can use all endpoints listed in the documentation:

Basic usage (to get the roles of your organization):

curl '******/roles' -H 'Authorization: Bearer *****'

For other usages, see all endpoints at:

See also
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