
teal organization

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The concept of a Teal organization was first introduced by Frederic Laloux in his book Reinventing Organizations.

In the Teal worldview, a Teal organization is the most evolved form of organizational structure compared to older models that are now outdated – although still very much in existence! Like very inefficient dinosaurs about to go extinct.

Teal organizations are built on 3 pillars: trust others, be yourself fully, evolve.

Frederic Laloux refers to:

  1. self-management,
  2. wholeness, and
  3. evolutionary purpose.

Trust Others

In the words of Frederic Laloux: self-management.

Teal organizations are built on peer relationship, with little to no hierarchy

Instead of having one or a few decision-makers at the leadership level, everyone is a leader and potential decision-maker in Teal organizations.

In order for that to work, Teal organizations need clear rules on how decisions will be made. Some choose to make decisions by consensus or by consent. Others create their own specific rules for making decisions.

What's important is that everybody is on the same page and trusts each other to bring important items forward.

Be Yourself Fully

In the words of Frederic Laloux: Wholeness

When you work in a Teal organization, you can be fully yourself.

You can explore the skills you want to explore, even if you weren't for that specifically.

You don't have to pretend to be someone else at work to impress a boss or get a promotion.

Teal organizations are psychologically safe places to work where you can focus on doing the best you can, safe in the knowledge that other team members will help and support you how they can.


In the words of Frederic Laloux: evolutionary purpose.

Teal organizations are like living organisms: they evolve constantly.

While Teal organizations start with a purpose, the organization's purpose can evolve over time.

By contrast, a traditional organization is stuck in its ways.

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